Sunday, September 28, 2008


The rain held off long enough for us to attend our favorite Harvest Festival at a local orchard on Saturday.

The Wog went for her very first pony ride. We weren't certain she'd go for it, but once she learned the pony's name was Tinkerbelle, we couldn't keep her away.

She was VERY proud of herself...

...and carried herself quite regally.

They stopped the pony rides while the train went by. (Ponies, apparently, are not fond of trains.) Everyone waved "hello" to the passengers!

The Wog also got her face painted...

A pretty kitty!

The Doodle, meanwhile, feasted on a tasty apple. (He ate it right down--nearly to the core.)

The Wog thought she might like to bob for apples, but changed her mind at the last minute. (No big surprise; considering she can't yet swim, I don't think she would have enjoyed having her face immersed in water long enough to come up with an apple; she did, however, enjoy collecting the "prize"--a lollipop!-- for all the participants.)

A festival favorite--the bounce house!

More bouncing!

The Doodle also enjoyed the bounce house...particularly the slide!

Going up the wrong way...

...and facing off with The Wog!

A happy boy!

Too much fun wipes out The Doodle and Phoebs!

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