Saturday, September 20, 2008


It was a gorgeous fall Friday, so we headed off to the park with a few friends.

Now that The Doodle is a walking man, he enjoys the playground. Unfortunately, he has no fear, which makes his mama nervous around big drops and edges.

Ready for another go!

Lily had a bag of water (no goldfish) that kept them pretty entertained.

When The Wog saw this picture, she told me she'd been "making [her] bed" under there. A favorite game is Mama Kitty/Baby Kitty. The Wog loves to be the baby.

Sharing a snack with Jordon. (Jordon ALWAYS wears the earrings and will only wear dresses; even at school, where she is not allowed to wear the earrings, they are kept in a "secret" compartment in her backpack.)

The Doodle shares with his "twin" Phoebe. The Doodle's version of "sharing" involves extending the food to you, encouraging you to eat it, getting very mad if you decline, and then, as soon as you capitulate and attempt to eat whatever he's offering, quickly pulling his hand back and eating it himself.

On the go:

Taking a rest:

The Doodle rarely pauses; here he is in a rare static moment:

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