Sunday, September 28, 2008


The rain held off long enough for us to attend our favorite Harvest Festival at a local orchard on Saturday.

The Wog went for her very first pony ride. We weren't certain she'd go for it, but once she learned the pony's name was Tinkerbelle, we couldn't keep her away.

She was VERY proud of herself...

...and carried herself quite regally.

They stopped the pony rides while the train went by. (Ponies, apparently, are not fond of trains.) Everyone waved "hello" to the passengers!

The Wog also got her face painted...

A pretty kitty!

The Doodle, meanwhile, feasted on a tasty apple. (He ate it right down--nearly to the core.)

The Wog thought she might like to bob for apples, but changed her mind at the last minute. (No big surprise; considering she can't yet swim, I don't think she would have enjoyed having her face immersed in water long enough to come up with an apple; she did, however, enjoy collecting the "prize"--a lollipop!-- for all the participants.)

A festival favorite--the bounce house!

More bouncing!

The Doodle also enjoyed the bounce house...particularly the slide!

Going up the wrong way...

...and facing off with The Wog!

A happy boy!

Too much fun wipes out The Doodle and Phoebs!

Friday, September 26, 2008


Good friends Chloe and Phoebe joined us last night for some noodles and a dance party. Everyone got into it--even Piglet!

They are all mid-motion in this picture. (Alas, the video camera was out of power.)

Still mid-dance!

The Doodle hangs with Phoebs:

I think he has a little crush on her!

The Doodle is still crushing. Phoebe, meanwhile, demonstrates her signature hip wiggle; she needs a hula hoop!

Mid-spin, The Wog paused to show off her fine manners:

Surrounded by balloons!

The "ballet" portion of the evening:

The Wog gears up for a big twirl:

Good friends:

Thursday, September 25, 2008


The Doodle HATES bath time, during which he is an angry, squirmy (and for lack of a better word) PISSED OFF mess. In an effort to make the bath more pleasant for everyone involved, Minnie bought an adorable, inflatable ducky bathtub, which The Doodle loved pool-side in NJ this summer. Alas, he recognizes a bath when he gets one, and as yet refuses to submit to the cuteness of the ducky long enough to get clean--let alone for the 20 minute, thrice (I kid you not)-daily "soak and seal" recommended by the dermatologist.

The Wog, however, LOVES the duck and spends some time every day sitting in it reading or watching her new favorite program, Sid the Science Guy. (Yesterday she learned why she can still smell a baby's dirty diaper from another room--good to know.)

And last night, we happened upon a new lover of the ducky bathtub:

So while it may not have The Doodle's seal of approval, it is earning its keep amongst our menagerie. We'll just have to keep Piggy's nails clipped.

Meanwhile, The Wog has decided that having her picture taken on the way out the door for school each morning is absolutely no fun. I enticed her with a pink balloon, but I don't believe the photo sessions are long for this world. Considering the winter clothes are on their way (I've already seen MITTENS at school!), it wouldn't be very exciting anyway.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008


Here we are headed out to school this morning on a crisp, fall day! The Wog, alas, did not want her picture taken.

The Doodle and I then headed to the playground, where he did some swinging, climbing and sliding:

This afternoon he took his first bite of one of our apples!

Clearly not the best bite:

A rocking Wog:

A rocking Doodle:

Such a little man!

Monday, September 22, 2008


(I know the music is loud, but listen for his little squeals of glee. Any guesses how many times he went up and down this slide?)

And here is The Wog mixing up her poses on the 9th day of school!

Saturday, September 20, 2008


It was a gorgeous fall Friday, so we headed off to the park with a few friends.

Now that The Doodle is a walking man, he enjoys the playground. Unfortunately, he has no fear, which makes his mama nervous around big drops and edges.

Ready for another go!

Lily had a bag of water (no goldfish) that kept them pretty entertained.

When The Wog saw this picture, she told me she'd been "making [her] bed" under there. A favorite game is Mama Kitty/Baby Kitty. The Wog loves to be the baby.

Sharing a snack with Jordon. (Jordon ALWAYS wears the earrings and will only wear dresses; even at school, where she is not allowed to wear the earrings, they are kept in a "secret" compartment in her backpack.)

The Doodle shares with his "twin" Phoebe. The Doodle's version of "sharing" involves extending the food to you, encouraging you to eat it, getting very mad if you decline, and then, as soon as you capitulate and attempt to eat whatever he's offering, quickly pulling his hand back and eating it himself.

On the go:

Taking a rest:

The Doodle rarely pauses; here he is in a rare static moment: