Wednesday, September 19, 2007


I unpacked The Wog's carseat cover yesterday, and she got a kick out of playing peek-a-Doodle.




The weather here is below freezing in the morning but warms up to the mid-70s by mid-day. Since the children begin and end the day on the playground at school, I've found that dressing The Wog in layers on layers on layers is the way to go, and each item must be easily removable by little Wog hands--both because she prefers to be in the minimal amount of clothes while inside and because it's easiest for managing her trips to the bathroom. So in short: this is why The Wog is dressed like one of the orphins in the touring cast of Annie.

The Wog has learned to make lots of funny faces since she started preschool. (She has also learned to use a shoehorn, but that's neither here nor there.)

We attended two barbecues over the weekend and The Wog got to hang out with one of her very favorite people, Daddy's coworker, Naveen (or "Veen" as she calls him).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

below freezing? Wow. It's in the upper 60s in the morning here, and upper 80s (or in the 90s) at the hottest here now. I don't know that I'm ready for below freezing...but I'm ready for something cooler!