Thursday, November 01, 2007


The porch lights are off, the candy buckets empty, and the fairy wings abandoned...Halloween 2007 is officially over, and I don't think The Wog could have had a better time. (The Doodle pretty much has a good time doing anything these days.) Now onto our tales from the dark side!

We attended a "Trick or Treat Street" organized by the Chamber of Commerce during the daylight hours, and that was a really nice idea, particularly for the little ones. (Except for the man wearing the automated monster costume--once The Wog saw him, she was transfixed, and not in a good way. Poor Wog.)

Hanging with her friend, Minnie Mouse:

Figuring out this whole candy-getting thing:

Bathed in light:

We then headed off to a pre-Trick or Treat dinner party in an attempt to fill the kids up with fruit, veggies and noodles before getting to the candy.

They were playing some highly evolved game of good fairy/bad fairy incomprehensible to the 30+ mind:



The Doodle makes an appearance:

The guest of honor was the Fryeburg State Fair winning pumpkin which met its timely demise in the form of a chainsaw.

Setting out:

Let the treating begin! AKA: The Wog finally figures out how this candy thing works:
"Trick or Treat!"

"Hmmm....that lady put something in my bucket."

"It's CANDY!!!"

Coming and going with Minnie Mouse:

The Wog found a kindred sprightly spirit:

Continuing on their way:

Why does The Wog look so concerned?

A very tall clown stopped her in her tracks.

She kept a safe distance until he was out of sight.

Heading home:

All tricked and treated out:

The Wog was a wholly single-minded trick or treater. It was all about the candy: how much she could get, when she could get more, when that might be, etc. By the end of the night she'd made up her own song about candy ("I love candy! I love trick or treating!") and was loudly serenading the neighborhood.

Note to self for next year: the underpinnings of a fairy princess get-up (in addition to seriously complicating bathroom breaks) make a great Olivia Newton John "Let's Get Physical" costume!

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