Sunday, August 16, 2009


The Wog finished up her month-long DAILY swim lessons at the lake, and passed her test! She is official a Board-Certified Level 3 American Red Cross Swimmer!

Lining up for the presentation of their certificates:

The Wog with classmates and friends Brooke and Cole:

Feasting on Donut Holes and watermelon at the end-of-summer (!) party:

After years of messily attempting to feed multiple kids at our adult table, I wised up one day during a bigger-sized playdate; threw a blanket on the floor; and declared an Indoor Picnic. The kids were delighted (I swear they ate more) and the clean-up was so much easier. Photos from one recent indoor popsicle picnic!

Phoebe was totally moving in on The Doodle's popsicle!

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