Tuesday, November 29, 2005


The Wog has been missing from the internet through no fault of my own. In fact, The Wog herself is to blame for her brief hiatus, having dumped a container of water on my computer--the result being a malfunctioning mouse and constantly moving curser. Typing a sentence on my laptop is now like playing a challenging video game. We're back, nevertheless.

The Wog has been up to a lot (aside from maiming computers) since our last update. She celebrated her second Thanksgiving at her paternal grandparents' house. She's a big fan of turkey. BIG fan. Here she is on the big day with her grandmother and two aunts. I like this picture because she looks like one of the girls.

She also continues her love affair with bananas and the other day downed two whole bananas in a row. She would have eaten another, I suspect, had we had any bananas left in the house to feed to her. Here she is challenging you to just try and take her banana away.

If you look closely, you can see the banana crammed into her cheek, chipmunk-style.

The Wog has also become a mimic. She can mimic words and whole sentences with surprising accuracy. She has a tendency to do so with one index finger raised, giving the appearance that she is delivering a very serious lecture.

She continues to wear her hair in pigtails and, in the spirit of the approaching holiday, someone stopped us earlier today to point out that she looks like Little CindyLou Who.

All this activity tires a growing Wog out. Here she sleeps while we rake the endless leaves at the new house.

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