Dear Polly,
You turned 10 months old a few days ago. Your age continues to be impossible for me to believe. Every month I say to your father, "I can't believe we have a(n) x-month-old." It's no different this month. I can't believe we have a 10-month-old.
One of your greatest pleasures at this point in your life is shredding up magazines. (This love of paper shredding is one you share with Piglet.) Lucky for you, one of my greatest pleasures in life is reading magazines, so there are lots around the house for you to get your chubby little fingers on. You love to tear the pages out of In Style or Lucky and spastically wave them around until you are surrounded by glossy pages displaying fall fashion trends. Whether this represents a future disdain or great love for gaucho pants is yet to be determined.
This month your father discovered that if he blows air into your face, you blow right back. You have also learned to make loud kissing smacks and smooches, and our next step is to teach you to blow kisses to your grandparents. (And probably to strangers, too.) This confirms Pop-Pop's long-held belief that you are brilliant. Of course, there's still a learning curve, even for baby geniuses:
Kisses From The Wog.wmv
At this very moment you are crawling around on the floor trying to pull up on anything; you have *just* discovered the stairs.
Nearly every time we leave the house with you, someone stops to comment on what a happy baby you are. You smile at everyone! Even when you are very, very, very mad, we can still make you smile. (We realize that doing so probably makes you madder.)
Earlier today I was watching a Bruce Springsteen concert I'd taped on television. You were mesmerized. So while you may live in New Hampshire, as it turns out you are at heart at least part Jersey girl.
For a while now you've been making "dadadadada" sounds, but you have recently added "mama" to your vocabulary. Whether or not you know what you are saying is a hotly debated topic, and I'm on the side that you know quite well, since you only say it when you want something!
Happy 10 Month Birthday, Wog!
Here you are, pretty girl, one day shy of your 10 month birthday:
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