Thursday, August 11, 2005


So Minnie and Pop-Pop headed back home to New Jersey this morning, leaving behind a sad, little Wog. Well, technically I'm not sure she's capable of feeling sadness over anything but an empty belly just yet, but if she could feel sadness, she definitely would at their departure.

We've been visiting with my parents for nearly a week, and The Wog has been basking in their loving company. She has certainly thrived from their constant attention; in less than a week she has learned to make exaggerated kissing noises and to mimic bongo-playing on a table. She has been on her inaugural train ride as well as enjoyed a first time in the baby swing at the playground. Minnie continued her drinking straw education while Pop-Pop encouraged her "mamamama" sounds in equal measure with her usual "dadada." Even The Wog's hair seemed to experience sudden, dramatic growth in their presence--it's now long enough to turn a stylish little flip at the ends.

The Wog loves her Minnie and Pop-Pop at least as much as she loves bananas...and that's saying a lot!

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