Thursday, November 12, 2009


I just got a bunch of old pictures from Marc's iphone dating back to the summer months. I'll be adding them over the next few days. It's amazing how much they both change--even in just a few months.

Here is The Wog in the jungle. (AKA the front circle of The White Mountain Hotel).

And The Doodle enjoying a plane ride to New Jersey:

Pretty Wog also enjoys flying.

While Marc showers, he usually contains The Doodle in a stroller so he's not tearing up the house. This is how he looked on one particular occasion:

He loves to keep abreast on all the latest news while riding in the car:

Have you ever seen a prettier tree climber?

The Doodle loves sliding!

1 comment:

Kathy Clark said...

Very cute pictures here. What a little doll. Nice family blog as well.