Friday, September 18, 2009


Well, the post is belated but the sentiment remains the same. We had the happy occasion to celebrate Labor Day Weekend at Minnie and Pop-Pop's house with much loved and anticipated members of our extended family--aunts, great-aunts and great-uncles, cousins, cousins-in-law, and many, many cousins-once removed. The Wog and The Doodle were entirely delighted by this family time, and not a tear was shed until it was time to say "goodbye"--a huge accomplishment considering the # of kids in attendance! In addition to pool time, delicious food, costume changes and Miss Mary Mackage, a few amazing magic tricks were even performed by Peter!

Poolside with popsicles:

(Apparently, Aunt Mary Beth wants YOU!)

"Painting" the pool and surrounding cabana kept us busy when we were young, and times have not changed:

The ladies:

The Doodle thoughtfully shared his apple with his sweet adorable cousin, Liam:

And then Liam got one of his own!

Miss Mary Mack, Mack, Mack...

...all dressed in black, black, black!


And at play:

Cousins AND three weeks apart!

The best group photo I could get. If anyone got a better one, send it my way!

Marc was huddled in the background holding up The Doodle:

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