Saturday, February 14, 2009


The Wog posing before leaving for the big Valentine's Day party:

The Doodle gets in on the V-Day action:

Making a candy necklace at the party:

Decorating cookies!


Two of our gracious hosts, the adorable Brady (in his signature pose) and spunky little Dylan:

Polly and sweet Arielle:

A Valentine's Treat:

(The Wog and I dipped the strawberries ourselves!)

The Wog definitely agrees that possession is 9/10th of the law.

The Wog had a multitude of Valentine's Day outfits thanks to Minnie. Alas, I did not capture them all, but here is a sweet one:

(She loved that the shirt said "LOVE"--although she insisted it said, "I love you," and she was way into the hearts on the knees.)

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