Monday, March 03, 2008


We took an impromptu trip up to Burlington, Vermont this weekend for some exploration and the Dan Zanes show. The Wog had a great time; the highlight of the trip for her, was--undeniably and unexplainably--the hotel. She kept asking, "Can we go back to the what-do-you-call-it-again?"

We went to the Echo Science Center which was fun and not nearly as grostesque as one might expect an exhibit on "Bloodsuckers" to be. It had it's moments, though; I'm sure the 10-year-olds boys just love it!

Coloring in her tick:

Meanwhile, The Wog's father attempts to filch a burger while being attacked by a giant mosquito:

The "tick" wall (Ick!):

Inspecting frogs and fish:

The Wog's father got morphed into one (look closely for his nose, mouth and beard):

Watching some of the aformentioned "bloodsuckers" be fed...or maybe they're the meal; I didn't get close enough to find out! (Notice how The Wog made her way right up front to get in on the action):

Our petite archaeologist:

Convenient exhibit/washing up place following the big dig:

It's in her genes:

The only shot we have from the concert, which is one more shot than we have of The Doodle from the entire weekend!

Pacina the Pacy Fairy is coming soon, but The Wog keeps delaying her visit. Here she is (The Wog, not Pacina) napping in her new favorite place:

We met up with Grandma and Grandpa on the way back home, and The Wog had to try on Grandma's glasses; The Doodle, meanwhile, was more interested in eating them.

I couldn't quite place who she resembled in these glasses, and then I remembered Madge:

Burlington is a great little town ("little" and yet the biggest in Vermont, and can the birthplace of Ben & Jerry's really be described as "little," anyway?) and I am looking forward to a return trip free of ice, snow, sludge and mud.

And a quick Wog-ecdote:
Grandma and Grandpa returned from a trip to Abu Dhabi with a gold chain and camel pendant for The Wog. When they gave it to her, they thoroughly explained that it is a special and valuable necklace because it's 21 carat gold. Earlier today The Wog self-importantly told me that she had to be careful with it because it is "very, very gold."

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