Tuesday, February 13, 2007


The Wog received a Cinderella Barbie and a purse (amongst other things like books and clothes and stickers--she is beloved!) from her Minnie and Pop-Pop for Valentine's Day. She has been stuffing the purse with anything and everything she can find; as her father pointed out, she probably thinks that's what you do with a purse, based on the contents of mine. Sometimes naked Barbie fits in the purse (because she's always naked), but sometimes she doesn't make the cut, and gets stuffed in a boot instead.

The Wog received this care package on Saturday morning and has pretty much had either the purse, the Barbie, or both with her at all times. She calls the Barbie her "princess." And if she realizes she's without one or the other she is prone to exclaiming with great concern, "Oh no! My purse! (pronounced "pursh")"

(This is not the finest representation of the status of our living room, but--alas--it is likely the most accurate.)

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