Friday, August 11, 2006


The Wog attended the beautiful wedding of her cousin (and new cousin-in-law!) Gianine and Tim last weekend.

Here she is immediately following the ceremony, making off with my mother's bouquet and yelling, "Flou-wah! Flou-wah!" (My sister actually took some accidental video of this; I'll have to put it up later.)

The Wog has some serious soul; she loves music and is compelled to bounce as soon as she feels the rhythm. There were several "big girls" at the wedding, which pleased The Wog to no end, as she is currently in a "big girl" phase and loves following them around and attempting to initiate play (which is occasionally well-received, but is more often an annoyance as the "big girls" she seeks out are usually on their own hunt for "bigger big girls"). Luckily, Holly and Lexi were very sweet and indulgent of a persistent Wog.

There was a great live quartet playing during the cocktail hour, and that got all the kids moving. Here is an action sequence involving Polly and Holly.

And here they hit the dance floor during the reception:

The Wog and Cousin Peter appear to do the jive:

(The Wog's pink sparkly shoes are my two favorite pieces of clothing. Ever. They were purchased for the wedding, but have since incorporated themselves into her everyday wardrobe.)

When The Wog wasn't actually dancing, she was running around and around (and through!) the dance floor; thankfully, only one collision occurred in what was fast becoming a toddler moshpit.

Here she is on one particular tear:

And here you can see her--just a teeny blur of green--dissapearing into a crowd. That's pretty much my memory of her for the whole event.

These pictures are dark, but The Wog and John are fast friends. John does a mean robot, and then Polly is on her way.

I love the blur that is Holly in this photo.

Tired out twins:

The Wog also discovered that she loves fudge.

She loves kisses from her Daddy more (but just slightly).

Congratulations, Gianine and Tim, and thank you for sharing your big day (and dance floor) with The Wog!

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