We happened to be standing by the door when Pooh made his entrance. Polly immediately reacted with immense delight. Pooh waved in our direction and continued on to the main part of the room, where all the other children were lined up patiently to meet him. By this point, Polly was squirming and twisting in my arms so I put her down. And she took off! She crawled, wriggled, slid, and elbowed her way through the crowd until she was right at Pooh's feet. (I'm not sure he--or she, I suppose?--could even see her over the costume's giant Poohbear belly.) She then attempted to pull up on Pooh and raised her arms to be picked up. Needless to say when it came time to leave, I carried her, hysterically crying, out the door.
Here she is, at home and sad-eyed over having to leave her new friend.

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