Tuesday, December 08, 2009


Each year our church puts on a local "Children's Store" for kids under 12 to select presents for people on their lists. Parents designate a budget, and then an "elf" (a teen or senior citizen volunteer) accompanies them into the store to help with their selections. They then wrap the gifts so they are truly a surprise. The Wog went last year and it was one of our favorite holiday events. She was so proud of herself and her selections! So we headed back this year on our busiest day of the year (swimming lessons, followed by Pancakes with Santa, followed by the Children's Christmas Shop, followed by TWO birthday parties and culminating in the big ice show) because we just couldn't bring ourselves to miss it. This year, with the help of her new elf-friend, The Wog actually wrote the name of all the recipients on the gift cards herself. Later, when she entered our house dragging her bag of presents she proudly announced (and completely of her own invention), "Polly Wog is coming to town."

The Wog and her two friends, Arielle and Lily, hanging out in the church hall and having a snack. Picking all those presents is hard work!

FYI, The Wog waited about three minutes before deciding we had to open our presents NOW NOW NOW. Marc received a bird feeder; West received a toy telephone; I got a bracelet with flip-flop charms (because, she said, I love my flip-flops. Miriam, at the least, will recognize the irony of this. I worked HARD to love those flip-flops, and now I absolutely do), and for herself she chose a princess mug with various little princess knick-knacks in it. She also got to select a present for a 4-year-old girl in need, and she took the choosing of that one (a princess game) especially seriously.

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