Friday, April 07, 2006


The Wog puts up quite a fight when I try to style her hair these days which is 1) why she looks like a ragamuffin in all of her pictures and 2) why she never wears our much beloved pigtails anymore. But today I prevailed. (My secret? I distracted her with raisins. This only works one out of every hundred times, however.)

When styling The Wog's hair in pigtails, either the front or back must be sacrificed for the good of the other. So she looks good coming or going...but not both. Nevertheless, documentation was in order as I realize it might be the last time she wears her hair as such until she's old enough to understand that bribery is mutually beneficial.

And a little quiz to keep Wog-lovers on their toes: can you tell which pictures were taken before lunch and which after? (Hint: look for the rumpled hair and peach-stained shirt.)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Aww the little Girl is soooo Cute, Fab Blog!!!