Friday, February 10, 2006


Every day is Wog Day around here!

The Wog had her first playdate this morning and very much enjoyed playing with someone else's toys and eating someone else's Cheerios. Apparently, toys are that much more fun and Cheerios are that much more delicious when they are not The Wog's own.

She is adding new words every day. She can't be relied upon to say any of them--not even "Mommy" or "Daddy"--but she loves surprising us with new ones when she feels like it. Yesterday she crawled right to a new pet (stuffed) frog, kneeled right in front of it, and proclaimed, "Pretty!" She can also do almost all of the animal signs in her "Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See?" book. She can't do the sheep or the frog. Which is no surprise since her father and I don't know the signs for those two! She also bestows kisses with a loud, "Muh!" sound and let out a big, "Ah!" after taking a drink. We're trying to figure out which one of us she picked that trick up from.

Here are a few pictures from yesterday.

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