Saturday, September 03, 2005


The Wog's father is a very deep sleeper. He can also fall asleep very quickly--about as fast as he can polish off a sandwich, which is to say VERY fast. (I'm the opposite sort of sleeper--completely neurotic about requiring the perfect conditions and pretty much anything wakes me up.)

Marc's sleep habits have resulted in no small amount of entertainment for us throughout our marriage. Sometimes I wait until he is on the edge of sleep to grill him with questions because his sleep-blurred responses are always hysterical. One night a few years back I prodded him with the question, "Who do you love?" His answer was an emphatic, "Pizza!" Not quite the response I was expecting, I further prompted him with, "Who else do you love?" His enthusiastic answer was, "America!"

Another time when he was muttering away with no prompting from me; I could only make out one word, which sounded like "gaparoony." When I asked him what a "gaparoony" was, he snapped (irritated because this was clearly something anyone with half a brain would know), "Part Gap. Part Roony!"

I didn't realize Marc had already fallen into this state of semi-sleep last night when I asked him for the three words he thought best describe The Wog. (For some reason I often try to answer this question and I have a difficult time because there are so many words to describe her.) His immediate response? "Happy. Sinister. Delicious."

Well, two out of three isn't bad.

In honor of Marc's choices, I bring you:

Happy Wog.

Sinister Wog.

Delicious Wog.

[My choices, for the record, are spirited, willful, and shiny. Also charming, independent, winsome, stubborn, watchful, spunky, insouciant, squeaky-faced (courtesy of Minnie), playful, curious, sociable, delightful, elvish, expectant, contemplative, peaceable, funny, mischievous, wily, wiry, anticipatory, compact, eager, sunny, determined, attentive, analytical, hopeful, patient, impatient, busy, intense, optimistic, and true. And really, REALLY sweet.]

1 comment:

Sarah said...

I have the same sleepy brained type conversations with my DH...only I'm the one giving the odd responses. Love the pictures!
